Friday, February 7, 2014

February 14th, a Day for Everyone

Besides the by default valentines that I got in school I've only had a real valentine once and that was about 3 years ago. Before and after that one instance of having a valentine I never really liked Valentine's Day. I was either Anti-Valentine's Day or Happy Single Awareness day, credit goes to Joseph Vincent's 2012 song "S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day)" , as bitter as that sounds I enjoyed it. Valentine's day is a week away and couples are being extra cute and trying to plan out what they're going to do for the holiday of romance. As of now I do not have a valentine and I probably won't have one. 
This year I plan on doing something different. Instead of Valentine's Day being Anti-Valentine or "Single Awareness Day" February 14th will be Reminiscent Day. Everyone has had at least one person in their life that has made them feel loved or allowed them to experience some kind of emotion that made them feel good. Whether that person was a lover or a really close friend. On February 14th think back on the people that made you smile, laugh, feel important, feel special, feel weightless, feel loved, or made you see life in a whole new positive perspective. Whether they are still in your life or not, they meant something to you. Whether you and the other person ended on mutual or not so good terms if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be able to say that you know what it feels like to be with someone who makes you happy and that you can be yourself with no cares or fears. After all, why resent something that once meant so much to you? Because of those people you have the experience of those kinds of feelings that you can express to the next love interest you meet. You can show them how it feels to feel the feelings you once felt and if this person is the one they too can be the reason why you feel those feelings again and some even greater. 
The people in your past taught you how to love and how it feels to be loved right. They also taught you how to be strong and how to let go. So on February 14th don't feel left out if you don't have a valentine. On February 14th revisit the memories you have of when times were good and love was once true in it's own special way. Be appreciative of those memories and embrace them because one day you'll find someone who will make any day feel like Valentine's Day. Someone you can love and express your unconditional appreciation to. Someone who will love you the way you once were and more, will be standing right in front of you

Your Truly,
Carla Renee

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