Sunday, February 23, 2014

Healthy Spontaneous Getaways

Everyday routines can be draining and stressful; wake up, go to work/school, sit in traffic/study for hours, go home to cook/try to be social and interactive, get less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep, and repeat. It can become extremely overwhelming. As crappy as it is, it must be done. But there is a way to make our every day routines a little less stressful and overwhelming.
The best way to do that is to take spontaneous getaways. Whether it's a beach day, going to the city, or going to a coffee shop that you've been wanting to go to. Pick one day or even two days where you can take some time to get away and re-energize yourself. If you think you do not have the time to relax and recharge yourself then you really need to do this. This getaway doesn't have to be a day long, it can be a couple of hours. The constant rush of every day life can definitely wear you down mentally and physically. If you stay in that routine constantly you'll lose sight of yourself and you'll eventually find yourself going through the motions and not living.
So next time you feel like you're losing control or you're about to break down take a step back out of your life and ask yourself, "where do I find peace?" and "where can I relax?" The first place you think of is the place you'll be able to relax and unwind. Plan a day out your week to go to where ever that place is and try to make that your weekly routine so that when you're having a crappy week your getaway day will be your motivation to keep pushing through your week.
When you go to your getaway location leave your busy life for the time that you are there. Leave all of your stress and worries behind you. The only thing you should be thinking about is where you are right then and there and how much your getaway was much needed. From personal experience these private getaways are super efficient. My mind felt so much clearer during my getaway and when I returned back to my reality things weren't as hectic. I was able to think clearly and get things done. I actually got more done after my getaway than I do while under stress during my week. You're getaways should be exclusively customized to you. Go where you want to go and do what you want to do. Go alone or bring a close friend, it's up to you. Just make sure that whatever it is you do you do it only for you. If you happen to plan something on your getaway day, drop it. Or at least push it later into your day. Make sure you take advantage of your getaway, you deserve it.

This was my first week starting this routine and I've been absolutely pleased with the positive effects it has. Before I used to think I didn't have time to relax and "reset", but taking time out to "reset" is what's going to improve my performance during my busy week. My getaway day takes place on Saturday mornings to this beautiful place. It's a reasonable distance away so I jog here. I walk along the beach and let the water rush against my feet. After walking the beach for about half a mile or so I find a place to sit down on a towel and enjoy the view and mediate. I encourage everyone to try this at least once. Find your peaceful place and see the immediate difference it makes on you and how differently you perform during your week. Give it a try and if it works for you spread the word to your friends and family.

Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California

Yours Truly,
Carla Renee


  1. No need, it definitely works my no so little sister. Yesterday, I went snorkeling rather unexpectedly and it was the best thing I could have possibly done. I am so very proud of you, learning and adapting and getting what you need when you need. You are an amazing young woman and I love you bunches kiddo!

    1. I guess I rode the slow train and I barely realized this. But later is better than not at all. Thanks! Love you too. :)

  2. I really love this idea. I am going to make this a part of my weekly routine, Lord knows I need to and so do you : ) This makes total sense. Thanks for sharing this positive and insightful information. keep it up. : )
